Deploying DotNet Core in Azure with GIT and Kudu

I starting this project trying to build and deploy the ASP.NET Core example application first on my local box, then in Microsoft Azure via Web Deploy, Microsoft Azure via local Azure GIT integration and finally via Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) via SCM integration. Deployment Types Local deployment into a local IIS is pretty straightforward. We won't talk about it here. Remote web deployments are the legacy way of pushing Web applications to the (Azure) cloud that works with IDE, CI or command line. Compiled and static application artifacts that are then sent to the remote application servers via FTP. The servers unpack the archive and deploys it. Remote SCM deployments are a relatively new and interesting way to support automated deployments and to support multiple branches with little work. The IDE or build system pushes source code to a monitored repository. Azure (Kudu) monitors the source code repository, runs a build and deploys th...