Flutter golden testing - generating tester views sized to your mobile devices

Creating tests for various size viewports can help us look for wrapping and sizing regressions. Our goal is to run the same test across several different-sized displays looking for regressions in the individual display sizes. We can do that by sizing the canvas just before loading the widget tree and running the golden test comparison. We need either the viewport size for the device or the raw size of the device in pixels and its DPR. So currently this test code accepts the raw size and the DPR. The alternative is to just run the MediaQuery against the device and accept its width and height with a DPR of 1.0. The test code below supports both. Test Code There are two tests, one for the Pixel 3a and the other for the Pixel 4XL. Both tests pass in the raw pixel size and the Flutter DPR. The test Sizes the canvas to the device geometry. Brings up the demo app Creates/validates a golden image snapshot of the viewport The test app is the MediaQuery code li...