The simple but awesome NeoPixel Shield with an Arduino

The folks at Adafruit have put out a nice "NeoPixel shield" which is essentially an 8x5 addressable RGB LED strip built into an Arduino shield.  They have created a nice library available on github. You can see the project on their product web page.  Here is a picture of the board mounted on an Arduino Uno. The LED in the bottom right corner is LED 0.  The LED in the the bottom left corner is node 7.  The second row up is node 8-15 and so on.  The LED in the upper left corner is node 39.

This picture shows the LED panel on my desktop. It totally overwhelmed the camera to the point that the rest of the room looks dark.


I've created simple Arduino firmware that lets you send LED blinky commands over the Serial Port via USB.  You can set each pixel color individually along with one of 10 blink patterns.  Pattern 0 is off and pattern 1 is solid on so there are 8 actual blink patterns.  The firmware is located on github.

The LEDs are daisy chained into a single giant shift register.  The far end of the strand is updated by serially shifting the values through all the other LEDs.   The entire strand is updated on each push operation.   The WS2811/2812 controllers have have fairly strict timing requirements when shifting data through and latching data into strand.  Adafruit has implemented a nice library that meets all the timing requirements through hand coding and interrupt control. This means that interrupts are disabled for long enough periods of time that I had to turn down the serial port rate to 9600 to avoid character loss.

TFS Build Watcher Application Driver

I've also added a driver to the TFS Build Watcher software on github.  Individual build statuses are mapped to individual LEDs so you can get an overall feel of your various builds.

  Written by Freemansoft Inc.  
  Exercise Neopixel (WS2811 or WS2812) shield using the adafruit NeoPixel library  
  You need to download the Adafruit NeoPixel library from github,   
  unzip it and put it in your arduino libraries directory  
  commands include  
  rgb  <led 0..39> <red 0..255> <green 0..255> <blue 0..255> <pattern 0..9>: set RGB pattern to pattern <0:off, 1:continuous>  
  rgb  <all -1>  <red 0..255> <green 0..255> <blue 0..255> <pattern 0..9>: set RGB pattern to pattern <0:off, 1:continuous>  
  debug <true|false> log all input to serial  
  blank clears all  
  demo random colors   
 #include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>  
 #include <MsTimer2.h>  
 boolean logDebug = false;  
 // pin used to talk to NeoPixel  
 #define PIN 6  
 // Parameter 1 = number of pixels in strip  
 // Parameter 2 = pin number (most are valid)  
 // Parameter 3 = pixel type flags, add together as needed:  
 //  NEO_RGB   Pixels are wired for RGB bitstream  
 //  NEO_GRB   Pixels are wired for GRB bitstream  
 //  NEO_KHZ400 400 KHz bitstream (e.g. FLORA pixels)  
 //  NEO_KHZ800 800 KHz bitstream (e.g. High Density LED strip)  
 // using the arduino shield which is 5x8  
 const int NUM_PIXELS = 40;  
 Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUM_PIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);  
 typedef struct  
  uint32_t activeValues;     // packed 32 bit created by Strip.Color  
  uint32_t lastWrittenValues;  //for fade in the future  
  byte currentState;       // used for blink  
  byte pattern;  
  unsigned long lastChangeTime; // where are we timewise in the pattern  
 } pixelDefinition;  
 // should these be 8x5 intead of linear 40 ?  
 volatile pixelDefinition lightStatus[NUM_PIXELS];  
 volatile boolean stripShowRequired = false;  
 // time between steps  
 const int STATE_STEP_INTERVAL = 10; // in milliseconds - all our table times are even multiples of this  
 const int MAX_PWM_CHANGE_SIZE = 32; // used for fading at some later date  
  * bell pattern buffer programming pattern lifted from  
 typedef struct  
  boolean isActive;     // digital value for this state to be active (on off)  
  unsigned long activeTime;  // time to stay active in this state stay in milliseconds   
 } stateDefinition;  
 // the number of pattern steps in every blink pattern   
 const int MAX_STATES = 4;  
 typedef struct  
  stateDefinition state[MAX_STATES];  // can pick other numbers of slots  
 } ringerTemplate;  
 const int NUM_PATTERNS = 10;  
 const ringerTemplate ringPatterns[] =  
   // state0 state1 state2 state3   
   // the length of these times also limit how quickly changes will occure. color changes are only picked up when a true transition happens  
  { /* no variable before stateDefinition*/ {{false, 1000}, {false, 1000}, {false, 1000}, {false, 1000}} /* no variable after stateDefinition*/ },  
  { /* no variable before stateDefinition*/ {{true, 1000}, {true, 1000}, {true, 1000}, {true, 1000}}  /* no variable after stateDefinition*/ },  
  { /* no variable before stateDefinition*/ {{true , 300}, {false, 300}, {false, 300}, {false, 300}} /* no variable after stateDefinition*/ },  
  { /* no variable before stateDefinition*/ {{false, 300}, {true , 300}, {true , 300}, {true , 300}} /* no variable after stateDefinition*/ },  
  { /* no variable before stateDefinition*/ {{true , 200}, {false, 100}, {true , 200}, {false, 800}} /* no variable after stateDefinition*/ },  
  { /* no variable before stateDefinition*/ {{false, 200}, {true , 100}, {false, 200}, {true , 800}} /* no variable after stateDefinition*/ },  
  { /* no variable before stateDefinition*/ {{true , 300}, {false, 400}, {true , 150}, {false, 400}} /* no variable after stateDefinition*/ },  
  { /* no variable before stateDefinition*/ {{false, 300}, {true , 400}, {false, 150}, {true , 400}} /* no variable after stateDefinition*/ },  
  { /* no variable before stateDefinition*/ {{true , 100}, {false, 100}, {true , 100}, {false, 800}} /* no variable after stateDefinition*/ },  
  { /* no variable before stateDefinition*/ {{false, 100}, {true , 100}, {false, 100}, {true , 800}} /* no variable after stateDefinition*/ },  
 void setup() {  
  // 50usec for 40pix @ 1.25usec/pixel : 19200 is .5usec/bit or 5usec/character  
  // there is a 50usec quiet period between updates   
  // don't want to lose characters if interrupt handler too long  
  // serial interrupt handler can't run so arduino input buffer length is no help  
  strip.begin();; // Initialize all pixels to 'off'  
  stripShowRequired = false;  
  // initialize our buffer as all LEDS off  
  //show a quickcolor pattern  
  MsTimer2::set(STATE_STEP_INTERVAL, process_blink);  
 void loop(){  
  const int READ_BUFFER_SIZE = 4*6; // rgb_lmp_red_grn_blu_rng where ringer is only 1 digit but need place for \0  
  char readBuffer[READ_BUFFER_SIZE];  
  int readCount = 0;  
  char newCharacter = '\0';  
  while((readCount < READ_BUFFER_SIZE) && newCharacter !='\r'){  
   // did the timer interrupt handler make changes that require a  
   // note: attempts to unmask interrupts as much as possible  
   // must be inside character read while loop  
   if (stripShowRequired) {  
    stripShowRequired = false;;  
   if (Serial.available()){  
    newCharacter =;  
    if (newCharacter != '\r'){  
     readBuffer[readCount] = newCharacter;  
  if (newCharacter == '\r'){  
   readBuffer[readCount] = '\0';  
   // this has to be before process_Command because buffer is wiped  
   if (logDebug){  
     Serial.print("received ");  
     Serial.print(" characters, command: ");  
   // got a command so parse it  
  else {  
   // while look exited because too many characters so start over  
  * blank out the LEDs and buffer  
 void go_dark(){  
  unsigned long ledLastChangeTime = millis();  
  for ( int index = 0 ; index < NUM_PIXELS; index++){  
   lightStatus[index].currentState = 0;  
   lightStatus[index].pattern = 0;  
   lightStatus[index].activeValues = strip.Color(0,0,0);  
   lightStatus[index].lastChangeTime = ledLastChangeTime;  
   strip.setPixelColor(index, lightStatus[index].activeValues);  
  // force them all dark immediatly so they go out at the same time  
  // could have waited for timer but different blink rates would go dark at slighly different times;  
 //////////////////////////// handler //////////////////////////////  
  Interrupt handler that handles all blink operations  
 void process_blink(){  
  boolean didChangeSomething = false;  
  unsigned long now = millis();  
  for ( int index = 0 ; index < NUM_PIXELS; index++){  
   byte currentPattern = lightStatus[index].pattern;   
   if (currentPattern >= 0){ // quick range check for valid pattern?  
    if (now >= lightStatus[index].lastChangeTime   
      + ringPatterns[currentPattern].state[lightStatus[index].currentState].activeTime){  
     // calculate next state with rollover/repeat  
     int currentState = (lightStatus[index].currentState+1) % MAX_STATES;  
     lightStatus[index].currentState = currentState;  
     lightStatus[index].lastChangeTime = now;  
     // will this cause slight flicker if already showing led?  
     if (ringPatterns[currentPattern].state[currentState].isActive){  
      strip.setPixelColor(index, lightStatus[index].activeValues);  
     } else {  
     didChangeSomething = true;  
  // don't show in the interrupt handler because interrupts would be masked  
  // for a long time.   
  if (didChangeSomething){  
   stripShowRequired = true;  
 // first look for commands without parameters then with parametes   
 boolean process_command(char *readBuffer, int readCount){  
  int indexValue;  
  byte redValue;  
  byte greenValue;  
  byte blueValue;  
  byte patternValue;  
  // use string tokenizer to simplify parameters -- could be faster by only running if needed  
  char *command;  
  char *parsePointer;  
  // First strtok iteration  
  command = strtok_r(readBuffer," ",&parsePointer);  
  boolean processedCommand = false;  
  if (strcmp(command,"h") == 0 || strcmp(command,"?") == 0){  
   processedCommand = true;  
  } else if (strcmp(command,"rgb") == 0){  
   char * index  = strtok_r(NULL," ",&parsePointer);  
   char * red   = strtok_r(NULL," ",&parsePointer);  
   char * green  = strtok_r(NULL," ",&parsePointer);  
   char * blue  = strtok_r(NULL," ",&parsePointer);  
   char * pattern = strtok_r(NULL," ",&parsePointer);  
   if (index == NULL || red == NULL || green == NULL || blue == NULL || pattern == NULL){  
   } else {  
    // this code shows how lazy I am.  
    int numericValue;  
    numericValue = atoi(index);  
    if (numericValue < 0) { numericValue = -1; }  
    else if (numericValue >= NUM_PIXELS) { numericValue = NUM_PIXELS-1; };  
    indexValue = numericValue;  
    numericValue = atoi(red);  
    if (numericValue < 0) { numericValue = 0; }  
    else if (numericValue > 255) { numericValue = 255; };  
    redValue = numericValue;  
    numericValue = atoi(green);  
    if (numericValue < 0) { numericValue = 0; }  
    else if (numericValue > 255) { numericValue = 255; };  
    greenValue = numericValue;  
    numericValue = atoi(blue);  
    if (numericValue < 0) { numericValue = 0; }  
    else if (numericValue > 255) { numericValue = 255; };  
    blueValue = numericValue;  
    numericValue = atoi(pattern);  
    if (numericValue < 0) { numericValue = 0; }  
    else if (numericValue > NUM_PATTERNS) { numericValue = NUM_PATTERNS-1; };  
    patternValue = numericValue;  
    if (indexValue >= 0){  
     lightStatus[indexValue].activeValues = strip.Color(redValue,greenValue,blueValue);  
     lightStatus[indexValue].pattern = patternValue;  
    } else {  
     for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PIXELS; i++){  
      lightStatus[i].activeValues = strip.Color(redValue,greenValue,blueValue);  
      lightStatus[i].pattern = patternValue;  
    processedCommand = true;    
  } else if (strcmp(command,"blank") == 0){  
   processedCommand = true;  
  } else if (strcmp(command,"debug") == 0){  
   char * shouldLog  = strtok_r(NULL," ",&parsePointer);  
   if (strcmp(shouldLog,"true") == 0){  
    logDebug = true;  
   } else {  
    logDebug = false;  
   processedCommand = true;  
  } else if (strcmp(command,"demo") == 0){  
   processedCommand = true;  
  } else {  
   // completely unrecognized  
  if (!processedCommand){  
   Serial.println(" not recognized ");  
  return processedCommand;  
  * Simple method that displays the help  
 void help(){  
  Serial.println("h: help");  
  Serial.println("?: help");  
  Serial.println("rgb  <led 0..39> <red 0..255> <green 0..255> <blue 0..255> <pattern 0..9>: set RGB pattern to pattern <0:off, 1:continuous>");  
  Serial.println("rgb  <all -1>  <red 0..255> <green 0..255> <blue 0..255> <pattern 0..9>: set RGB pattern to pattern <0:off, 1:continuous>");  
  Serial.println("debug <true|false> log all input to serial");  
  Serial.println("blank clears all");  
  Serial.println("demo color and blank wheel");  
 //////////////////////////// demo //////////////////////////////  
  * show the various blink patterns  
 void configureForDemo(){  
  unsigned long ledLastChangeTime = millis();  
  for ( int index = 0 ; index < NUM_PIXELS; index++){  
   lightStatus[index].currentState = 0;  
   lightStatus[index].pattern = (index%8)+1; // the shield is 8x5 so we do 8 patterns and we know pattern 0 is off  
   lightStatus[index].activeValues = Wheel(index*index & 255);  
   lightStatus[index].lastChangeTime = ledLastChangeTime;  
  uint16_t i;   
  for(i=0; i<strip.numPixels(); i++) {  
 //////////////////////////// stuff from the Adafruit NeoPixel sample //////////////////////////////  
 // Input a value 0 to 255 to get a color value.  
 // The colours are a transition r - g - b - back to r.  
 uint32_t Wheel(byte WheelPos) {  
  if(WheelPos < 85) {  
   return strip.Color(WheelPos * 3, 255 - WheelPos * 3, 0);  
  } else if(WheelPos < 170) {  
   WheelPos -= 85;  
   return strip.Color(255 - WheelPos * 3, 0, WheelPos * 3);  
  } else {  
   WheelPos -= 170;  
   return strip.Color(0, WheelPos * 3, 255 - WheelPos * 3);  


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