Tuning your Personal Technology Radar - Future proof your technical skills

Technology tools, products, and techniques continue to advance. The industry continually evolves and the people who want to be near the top of the industry must continually learn and grow. Technology radar is a technique, pioneered by ThoughtWorks, for always paying attention to the technical horizon watching trends, trying to determine future technology winners, and learning more about different technologies as they become more and more likely to become important. We have more confidence and learn with more depth for the nearer-term technologies. We have less confidence and less depth for things farther out where we "just don't know" if they will catch on. This is tough because things like language-based ML seemed unlikely to many 5 years ago. Technologists must continually sweep the current news and trends to determine where they will put the learning and future-proofing investment. Near-term are covered as part of today's work. Mid-term items are g...