Behavior Driven Acceptance Criteria for Features, User Stories and Tests

Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) is an evolutionary outcome of Test Driven Development (TDD) and Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD). BDD focuses on business values and is designed to remind everyone that business outcomes are the top priority.
  • Drive repeated iteration around the desired business outcomes. Projects can often get distracted and drift away from the desired functions.
  • Think “from the outside in”. Focus on the behavior that directly targets the desired business outcomes. Do not start inside a system or with a discussion on how tools can be used.
  • Use a standard notation for describing behaviors and acceptance criteria. Select a form that can be understood by Subject Matter Experts and delivery. Some teams pick a syntax that is friendly to automated test tools.
  • Apply these techniques at the top, working down into the different software layers.
This section includes concepts promoted by the Agile Alliance

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Backlog Refinement

This discussion assumes you are following some type of agile refinement process. You start with high-level business functionality that you expect to deliver in one or more Program Increments.  My experience has been to create Backlog Features that represent a single program increment.  Those features are then broken down into User Stories that delivery teams size to be delivered in a single iteration. That iteration is called a Sprint if following Scrum practices.

Acceptance Criteria: Features and User Stories

Features contain a business value statement, a list of requirements, dependency linkages, enablers, and a set of Acceptance Criteria.  Those Acceptance Criteria determine the business behavior that needs to be completed to meet the Definition of Done (DoD). Business behavior at this level should be specified as business behavior that is independent of any underpinning technology. 

Acceptance Criteria Refinement is one of the biggest challenges when pushing a Feature into a Ready state to be picked up and worked. It is where the refinement team reaches an agreement on the scope for this Feature in this Program Increment.  

Feature level Acceptance Criteria are decomposed as the Feature is broken down into the iteration level User Stories.  Delivery teams work with business analysts to understand the expected behavior and business outcomes. They create inwardly facing test suites based on the Use Story level Acceptance Criteria.  The entire test suite is derived from the User Story Acceptance Criteria. 

There are essentially two ways to specify the ARs. It can be a detailed specification that provides the exact steps or it can be a behavior-based definition.  Detailed specifications can be complicated to maintain in the documentation and can confuse implementation with function.  Behavior-based ARs describe the business process leaving it up to delivery to figure out how that maps to the actual test interaction.

Features and User Stories should use the same BDD DSL.  This empowers the business to ensure a business value focus. Product and tech are both involved with Feature Refinement and User Story definition and can both use the same language. 

Features and User Stories also have technical constraints, dependencies, and Non Functional Requirements.  They are not part of the Behavior Driven Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance Criteria: Mapping to Test Cases

User Story Acceptance Criteria directly map to the test cases.  Sometimes additional acceptance criteria are generated as delivery explores the story and identifies gaps or misses.  TDD and ATDD often take an implementation view at this point. BDD uses the same specification language for Features and User Stories.  
  • Product Owners and businesses contribute the examples that describe the business outcomes always from the PoV of the desired business outcome and not how the outcome is implemented. 
  • It is the delivery team's job to automate tests that can convert those business objectives into the actual technical steps required for the test.

Acceptance Criteria: Testing Patterns

BDD Domain Specific Languages (DSL) tend to align with well-known testing patterns.  Those patterns work in many situations outside software development.  

Test and example specifications generally contain 3 phases. There is the Precondition or the expectation phrase that describes any pre-test state.  There is then the action phase where business functionality is invoked or applied.  The final stage is the analysis phase which verifies the desired outcome. There can be an arbitrary number of work steps in each Given, When, or Then high-level phase.

Software systems exist that can read Gherkin Syntax and turn those into tests that are executable by software testing tools.  SpecFlow and Cucumber are two example tools.  Business outcomes are defined with Given/When/Then in some human readable fashion.  Those specifications are converted into Given/When/Then function stubs.  Developers then fill in the stubs to do the actual detailed work.  Those stubs might be code calls for software modules, API invocations for service testing, or web calls for web user interface testing.

Acceptance Criteria in Gherkin Syntax
BDD is also sometimes known as Specification by Example.  Gherkin syntax is a specification Domain Specific Language that works at different levels of granularity, for both Feature and User Stories. Gherkin specification feels like more of a set of example behaviors than some type of abstract free form requirement definition.

Gherkin follows the Given/When/Then syntax described above.


BDD definitions captured at the Feature level should represent business outcomes at the value stream level.  Ex: Trademark holders should be given priority when people ask about the trademark
Scenario: Trademark owner sites should have priortiy with internet searches
    Given I search the internet
    When I use a term
    Then Results should include the trademark holder's site
Notice that this specification is implementation agnostic.  It can define a User interface behavior or an API or some type of legal process.

User Story

BDD definitions captured at the User Story level describe the desired business outcome for this increment's deliverables.  ARs at this level are tightly bound test scenarios but should still be described in the terms of desired business outcome. Ex: Trademark holders often own a domain name that contains the trademark
Scenario: Search engine results include links in domain with that name if it exists.
    Given I search the internet with a search engine
    When I search with a term
    Then There should be at least 1 links with the search term in the domain

Behavior-Driven Test Definitions

Test scenarios should use the same phrasing when describing identical functionality.  This reduces the cognitive load of understanding the implications of phrasing differences. These two tests are similar and share exactly the same Gherkin Syntax.  
Scenario: Search with webcrawler returns results in domain
    Given I search the internet using site "webcrawler"
    When I use the term "microsoft"
    Then There should be at least 1 links with the "" in them
Scenario: Search with altavista returns results in domain
    Given I search the internet using site "altavista"
    When I use the term "apple"
    Then There should be at least 1 links with the "" in them
Cucumber and Specflow test automation re-use Feature Steps if they have the same syntax.  This means the two tests above use the exact same steps and thus the 2nd test requires no additional software coding.

Implementation of highly technical Behavior-like Test Definitions

This test definition reads like it was written by someone who knows the implementation details. Behavior definitions should be implementation agnostic. This puts us in a situation where the same Behavior definition may be used for different purposes or levels of testing.  Automated must know all the details and will implement everything called out here.  Those details are hidden inside the steps.

Scenario: Search with Google returns results in domain
    Given I want to search for something on the internet 
    When I open Chrome
        And I type "" into the url bar and hit enter
        And I click on the search box
And I enter "facebook" into the search field And I click on the search button Then The browser HTTP code should be a 200 And The returned page should have at least 1 href "" in them And "facebook" should be in the title bar of the results page


Created 2022 07


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