SEP and its evil twin Someone Else's Problem
Someone Else's Problem is a term that declares that some work out of our control or scope. Sometimes we declare someone else's problem so that we don't have to take any action. In the best situations, we evaluate and declare SEP so that we can focus on our core needs.
Maintaining focus and scope control is one of the hardest things to do when creating new software systems or implementing various types of programs. Every decision or new requirement spiders off to touch other requirements that demand other decisions.Some of those touchpoints belong to other teams. This means your success is dependent on the actions of those other teams with other priorities. Sometimes that means you have to get heavily involved with the other team's activities to ensure that they do what you need. This takes focus away from activities that are truly within your charter.
SEP as avoidance
SEP for good
I worked on a team where we did a SEP evaluation every time we created a new dependency or identified external changes. That evaluation basically determined if this task, its analysis, scheduling or, work really belonged to another team. We'd talk about the need, declare it SEP and then we would move on. We would revisit these decisions over time.
External dependencies beyond our ownership sphere were declared as SEP. We
- Documented the dependencies,
- Pushed them onto the other team's backlog,
- Reviewed their backlog in an SoS type meeting on a regular basis.
This was a way for us to maintain focus.
Nothing is Someone Else's Problem
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