Telling people "silence is acceptance" when we ask for input and they never reply

Everyone needs to provide input or feedback when we are spinning something up, troubleshooting something, or digging in. They should raise disagreements, tune the plan, or otherwise get involved because eventually, it will become their plan.

To achieve the best results, we need to provide enough time, the appropriate venues, and the means for providing that feedback and participating in the decisions. Once provided, it is on them to speak up if they have any issues.

Sometimes we have to make it explicit to get people to pay attention. "You have agreed to this path if we don't hear from you by that date. Your silence in this matter is acceptance."

Opting out of the results is not an option.



There may be alternative views depending on the environment but that is for another time.

Silence is Acceptance Silence is Apathy Silence is Antipathy Silence is Avoidance

Revision History

Created 2024 11


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