Avoid the Agile Grind - Iterative team leadership
Agile can really burn people out with a never ending stream of
sprints or iterations. One way to keep people fresh
without breaking the team is to rotate different people though the lead
roles on a Program Increment / Planning basis. This gives people the
opportunity to both reach and recharge.

Program Level
We had had great success on a project over a 2 year period where the tech
lead / for the Program Incremented rotated between three people.
This meant they could each do technical work 2/3 of the time while driving
a PI the other 1/3. It also made it possible for them to do some
pre-planning while not trying to manage the current PI.
Team Level
This can also be done on a per sprint basis for intra-team
responsibilities. Story Grooming or product/technical
preparation roles can be rotated every sprint.
Don't Break the Team
This approach assumes that you can keep your teams together for some
period of time and that you are not continually reorganizing.
Created 5/2020
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