Run the Kali-Linux GUI in WSL2 with only two lines of code
Microsoft has added graphics support to Windows WSL2 by adding a new graphical component called WSLg. The thing rocks but Linux can be fiddly for setting up what is essentially a remote desktop. It turns out that the Kali team created a single package that handles everything, kali-win-kex. Just install kali-win-kex and run it.
Upgrade WSL to support GUI integration
Update your WSL to make sure WSLg
is installed and is on the latest version. This code
exists in themove-distribution.ps1
wsl --update
Install kali-win-kex
Option 1: Enable kali-win-kex and run the Kali GUI without any upgrades
From the Kali-Linux shell prompt
Option 2: Run updates, install all packages, enable kali-win-kex, run the Kali GUI
Install package kali-win-kex
and add remote desktop access to the Linux GUI with a single
updated component.
Update and upgrade kali-linux and install the kali-win-kex to support running the GUI in WSL. Bulk up this kali-linux with a bunch of other packages from kali-linux-large.
Launching the desktop
Launch the WSL2 Kali desktop from a Linux terminal window. It will run full screen on the current monitor. Execute _as you_ from a Linux command line to bring up the Linux GUI
kex --win -s
Launch the WSL2 Kali desktop from Windows to bring up the Linux GUI
wsl -d kali-linux kex --win -s
- Ref:
- Ref: a long explanation for those that don't use kali-win-kex
2022 06
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